Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Photographer’s Sketchbook – Camera Settings

I’ve started illustration work for The Photographer’s Sketchbook

This project originated years ago and was originally called The Photographer’s Notebook. It’s a text for my photography students to target exactly what I want them to know and spare them from spending exorbitant amounts of money on textbooks.

At this point in my own creative life I feel like I’ve piled up enough pictures to be able to find examples for all the teaching points I need to cover. And if not, I can always shoot more.

My current plan is to use InDesign to create a PDF that closely matches traditional paper textbooks, though the target platform is likely to be online or e-reader presentation.

We shall see.

This particular illustration is for the “Captions Explained” section, which teaches students how to understand the information in the captions that accompany all the photos in the text. Captions will also have links to information on the camera and lens I used for each picture.

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