Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Elliptical Crown – Day 15

Crossed the 30,000 word mark early this evening. Judging by where I am in my outline, I'm guessing that I'm somewhere around halfway done with the novel. That tends to suggest that it will be longer than the Novel Rhino 50k finish line by more than a small margin.

For what it's worth, I'm having second thoughts about the title. "Elliptical Crown" sounds intriguing if you think about it. As the characters have already asked more than once, what kind of head could wear a metal crown with an elliptical base? Trouble is, titles aren't there to provoke thought. They're there to sell books. So now I'm wondering if "The Innsmouth Crown" wouldn't be a clearer advertisement for the book's content, doing a better job of getting through to its most likely audience.

I'm not going to change it before the end of the month, but for anyone who comes back, reads this blog later and wonders why the entries call it "Elliptical," that's the explanation.

Today's writing session began with Rose and Alison leaving Innsmouth and ended with Ellie's imminent arrival in Newburyport.

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