Sunday, November 5, 2017

Deadly Light – Day Five

I was hoping that the switch from Daylight Saving Crap back to actual time would help make this a more productive day. Sadly, I spent a chunk of it sick, feeling sorry for myself, and/or trying to sleep. I would have slept even longer than I did if not for the asshole across the alley and his goddamn leaf blower.

Once I got up and around, I managed to make some progress. I made it most of the way to quota before dinner, and a quick session after dinner got me to where I needed to be (as well as to the end of the scene I was working on). Today I also earned the 10,000 word badge from the web site.

Spoiler alert: plot points follow.

The scene of the day introduced Bea Stewart, intrepid reporter. When I first started prep work last month, she wasn’t even a character. But I swiftly realized that I needed to introduce some more people if I was going to be able to make the plot work. In the fifth grade the protagonists could exist in a Peanuts-esque, grownup-free world. But teenagers should be starting to find their places in adult society.

Even after I came up with the idea to add Bea, this particular scene was only three or four lines in my notes (and that was as late as yesterday). Still, when the writing got underway, the scene flowed smoothly. I suppose the structural logic of conversations (which form the heart of this passage) helped make it easier to find the words I needed.

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