Thursday, November 13, 2014

Deep Mist Day 13

Here I begin work on the bracket, the story that will wrap around the two main parts of the novel. I’m dividing this tale into three chunks. The first will be the novel’s lead-off. The second will go between the two major parts (and introduce the protagonist of the latter), and the third will provide a coda to the whole thing.

Today I finished the first leg. It came in at 1555 words, a smidge less than I’d prefer to write in a day. But it was close enough for government work. I’m kicking myself for letting movies run while I wrote in the afternoon, because I know that slows me down. On the other hand, the end of the section did make for a nice stopping point.

The current word count total is 24,104. That’s just over the 24,000 words I estimate as the length of “The Spanking Machine,” previously the longest work of fiction I ever wrote. I have to guess at the length because its Word file was eaten in a serial hard drive crash a few years ago. Fortunately I still have a printed manuscript, on which I’ve scribbled some revisions. I intend to rewrite and retype it at some point, perhaps as my National Novel Writing Month project for 2015. For the time being I’m too focused on the current project to plan anything else.

Unless I seriously slack tomorrow, I should make it past the halfway mark.

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