Sunday, November 23, 2014

Deep Mist Day 23

Sundays seem to be the charm. This is the second time I’ve made it over 3000 words in a single day, and they’ve both been Sundays. The first one was the first Sunday of the project, and with a little luck I’ll be done with the novel (or at least past the word count goal) before the next one rolls around.

I’m hoping to get another three strong writing days in before Thanksgiving itself hits. We have family stuff on Thursday and friend stuff on Friday, so I probably won’t get a ton of writing done then. Thus I’d like to be as done as possible before the weekend hits.

The encounter in the woods ran longer than I thought it would. I managed to get the characters halfway up the wall of the plateau before losing steam for the evening.

The numbers: 3222 words for the day, 16,452 for the section and 43,435 for the book.

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