Sunday, November 2, 2014

Deep Mist Day Two

Lesson for today: don’t let movies run while you’re trying to write. Around midday I started X-Men: First Class, which I hadn’t seen in awhile. While I juggled the picture and lunch, I wrote no more than two or three paragraphs. But once it ended and I switched back to my non-attention-grabbing music from Pandora, I hit a strong writing streak.

Today’s word count total was 3520, bringing me to a total of 5969. That’s nearly 1000 words more than I needed to have written by the end of the day tomorrow in order to stay on pace. And that’s a good thing, because tomorrow will be the first test of how much writing I can get done on a weekday, particularly a weekday devoted to a lot of paper grading.

The best part was that I actually hit the point in the narrative when things start to happen. Up through the first 5000 words or so it’s mostly been set-up. But now I’ve gotten the protagonist through his first nightmare. The plot pace should start to pick up from here.

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